Space & Astronomy
Space and Astronomy (October 1993).iso
Text File
659 lines
The Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 spacecraft will fly past
Mars on the nights of July 30 and August 4, 1969, respectively.
Time of closest approach is now estimated at 10:18 p.m. PDT, July
30, for Mariner 6 and 10:00 p.m. PDT, August 4, for Mariner 7.
Altitude at encounter will be about 2000 miles for each
Mariner 6, launched from Cape Kennedy on February 24,
will fly a total of 241 million miles in 156 days. Communications
distance from Mars at encounter will be 59.5 million miles (about
5 1/2 light minutes).
Total Earth-to-Mars distance to be travelled by Mariner
7, launched March 27, is 197 million miles in 130 days. Communi-
cations distance at encounter will be 61.8 million miles. Both
spacecraft were boosted into space by Atlas-Centaur launch
The Mariners were developed and their missions are
conducted for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
Mariner 6 will examine the equatorial regions of Mars.
Mariner 7 will cover some of the same area, but will concentrate
on the southern hemisphere and a portion of the south polar cap.
Together, they are expected to furnish data as different as
possible from the standpoint of geography and climate.
The mission follows the 1964-65 flight to Mars by
Mariner 4 and is a precursor to the 1971 and 1973 Mars missions.
Mariner 4 was the only other spacecraft to have photographed
another planet.
In 1971 two Mariner-class vehicles will orbit Mars for
three months, and in the 1973 mission, Project Viking, two
spacecraft will orbit Mars and detach landing craft to descend to
and operate on the surface.
Mariner 1969 mission objectives are to study the
surface and atmosphere of Mars to establish the basis for future
experiments in the search for extra-terrestrial life and to
develop technology for future Mars missions.
The 1969 flights will not determine the presence of
life on Mars but will help establish whether or not the Martian
environment is suitable for life.
Television cameras aboard each spacecraft will
photograph the full disc of Mars during the approach to the
planet and selected surface areas at high resolution during the
close Mars passage.
Thermal mapping of the areas photographed will be
provided by an infrared radiometer (IRR) to correlate temperatures
with surface visual appearance. A principal goal of the experi-
ment is to determine whether the Martian polar caps are frozen
carbon dioxide or frozen water.
The chemical constituents of Mars' upper atmosphere
will be measured by an ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS). The
experiment will identify and measure the distribution of a number
of gases in the atmosphere--principally oxygen, nitrogen, and
perhaps hydrogen.
Composition of the lower atmosphere and possibly the
surface of Mars will be determined from measurements by an
infrared spectrometer (IRS). The instrument may be able to
detect the presence of some organic molecules in atmospheric
concentrations as small as two parts in one-million.
An occultation experiment, in which the Mariners
disappear from Earth behind Mars and their radio signals pass
through the Martian atmosphere, will yield information on
atmospheric pressures and densities.
Radio tracking data during encounter, as well as
throughout the entire flight, contributes to still another
experiment--celestial mechanics--which will provide information
to refine astronomical data.
The Mariner encounter can be divided into three phases--
far encounter or approach to Mars; near encounter or close
passage by Mars; and playback of recorded near encounter science
data after the fly by.
As the two Mariners approach Mars, they will take a
series of TV pictures while the planet revolves through several
Martian days (a Martian day is 24 hours, 37 minutes). The
pictures will reveal general surface features not visible from
Earth and the planet will be photographed at all longitudes.
Only the north pole area will not be covered in the pictures.
Some information may be obtained on the formation and motion of
clouds and other Mars meteorological phonomena.
Mariner 6 will begin taking full planet pictures two
days before it reaches Mars, Mariner 7 about three days before
encounter. (SEE PAGES 12 and 13).
A new high-rate telemetry system--16,200 bits per
second--on the Mariners and the use of the 210-foot antenna at
the Goldstone Space Communications Station in the Mojave Desert
allows the two spacecraft to record and play back an enormous
amount of picture data during the approach to Mars. In the
standard mission, programmed into the on-board computer prior to
launch, Mariner 6 will take 50 approach pictures beginning 48
hours and 770,000 miles from Mars and ending 7 hours and 112,000
miles from Mars. Mariner 7 will take 93 approach pictures
beginning 72 hours and 1,140,000 miles from Mars and ending 4
hours and 65,000 miles from Mars. Only TV camera B, the high
resolution camera, will be used for taking far encounter pictures.
Each spacecraft must receive and act upon certain
ground commands to initiate the standard mission sequence. These
commands must be transmitted to Mariner 6 about 52 hours prior to
closest approach and to Mariner 7 about 76 hours before its
closest approach.
(As a backup to the standard mission in the event that
certain problems occur between now and encounter, a conservative
mission has been designed and programmed into each spacecraft to
operate on an automatic basis or by specific command. It consists
of eight approach pictures taken by each spacecraft between 22
and 11 hours before closest approach. The pictures would be
stored on tape and played back at the normal science playback
data rate--270 bits per second--after the spacecraft passes
Mars. The near-encounter sequence would remain the same as in
the standard mission. Neither high-rate telemetry nor ground
command capability is required to conduct the conservative
If both Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 conduct the "standard
mission," it is possible to acquire as many as 143 far encounter
TV pictures. The high-rate telemetry system, the 210-foot antenna
at Goldstone and a microwave link between Goldstone and the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, permits the real time display
of the pictures as they are played back from each spacecraft.
Approximately 12 hours of real time TV may be available
in five playback sessions. Every five minutes, a new picture--
each containing more than half-a-million photo elements--is seen
on monitors at JPL. The disc of Mars gets larger with successive
pictures until the planet fills, then spills over, the edges of
the frame. (SEE PAGES 12 and 13). The five playbacks occur as
Mariner 6, 33 pictures, 7/29 6:35 p.m. - 9:27 p.m. PDT
Mariner 6, 17 pictures, 7/30 6:00 p.m. - 7:27 p.m.
Mariner 7, 34 pictures, 8/2 6:05 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Mariner 7, 34 pictures, 8/3 7:24 p.m. - 10:19 p.m.
Mariner 7, 25 pictures, 8/4 6:08 p.m. - 8:19 p.m.
Each of the five real-time TV playbacks occurs during
the evening hours California time due to the 210-foot antenna view
Mariner near encounter can be defined as a one-hour
period beginning 35 minutes before closest approach to Mars and
ending when the spacecraft re-appears from behind the planet.
Duration of near encounter including occultation is 68 minutes
zfor Mariner 6 and 74 minutes for Mariner 7.
At about 15 minutes before closest approach, the two TV
cammeras--shuttering alternately every 42 seconds--the IR radio-
meter, IR spectrometer and UV spectrometer will begin taking
planetary data, some of which is transmitted directly to Earth
and all of which is recorded on board the spacecraft. During
near encounter, real-time transmission of data to Earth will be
at the high-rate 16,200 bits per second. It will include every
seventh TV picture element for photometric measurements. î Receipt of the entire picture on Earth will occur during
the post-encounter tape recorder playback. Near encounter TV
totals 24 pictures--12 high resolution and 12 medium resolution--
during a period of about 17 minutes. The Mariners reach their
nearest proximity to Mars during the last few minutes of the
close-up TV sequence.
When the TV swath of overlapping pictures crosses the
day/night terminator, picture recording ceases. The other
instruments continue taking and recording dark-side data out to
and beyond the limb of Mars about 10 minutes after closest
Occultation--that period when Mars is between the
spacecraft and Earth--begins several minutes after the end of
science recording and lasts about 20 minutes for Mariner 6 and 29
minutes for Mariner 7. The occultation data, from which can be
determined the density of the Martian atmosphere, is obtained at
Earth tracking stations at both entry and emergence from behind
the planet. Tracking data obtained throughout encounter as well
as during the entire flights, contributes to the celestial
mechanics experiment.
Following occultation, the near-encounter science data
recorded on two tape recorders--one analog, one digital--aboard
each Mariner is played back. The digital recorder, which stores
all near encounter data, including TV, is played back at the
normal science playback rate, 270 bits per second. At about 19
hours after closest approach for both Mariners, the digital
playback is interrupted for a five-hour playback of the analog
recorder (TV near encounter only) at the high rate, 16,200 bits
per second. Mariner 6 playback is interrupted also for the
Mariner 7 far encounter sequence. After both spacecraft have
completed the playback several times--about August 17--they
continue to provide additional tracking and spacecraft
performance information until the mission is terminated.
___________________________ EVENT
6:19 p.m. Ground command, transmitted from
Goldstone, turns on Mariner 6 science
power and starts shuttering TV camera.
8:49 p.m. Mariner 6 scan platform is pointed at
Mars so that Far Encounter Planet Sensor
(FEPS) sees planet and begins tracking
Mars' center of brightness to keep TV
camera pointed accurately at Mars.
10:26 p.m. Mariner 6 takes first of 33 far encounter
pictures from a distance of 771,500
miles. Entire sequence consumes 19
hours, 44 minutes, with one picture
taken each 37 minutes.
6:10 p.m. Mariner 6 takes picture #33.
6:35 p.m. Mariner 6's first picture (M6-1) is
received at JPL following high-rate
transmission from the spacecraft. All
33 pictures are displayed on TV monitors
at JPL as they are received about five
minutes apart. Playback duration for 33
pictures is 2 hours, 52 minutes.
9:27 p.m. Receipt of M6-33 is completed.
12:23 a.m. Mariner 6 takes picture #34 (M6-34), the
first of a series of 17 pictures. One
picture is taken each 56 minutes during
a duration of 15 hours, 56 minutes.
3:19 p.m. Mariner 6 takes picture #50 at altitude
of 111,950 miles.
6:00 p.m. Beginning of real-time receipt and
display of M6-34. Playback duration for
17 pictures is 1 hour, 27 minutes.
7:27 p.m. Receipt of M6-50 is completed.
9:43 p.m. Start Mariner 6 near encounter sequence
with cooldown of Infrared Spectrometer.
10:03 p.m. Mariner 6 begins recording data from
science instruments--Infrared Spectro-
meter, Ultraviolet Spectrometer,
Infrared Radiometer.
10:04 p.m. High and medium resolution TV cameras
each take 12 pictures with the medium
resolution pictures overlapping and high
resolution covering small areas within
the overlaps. Twenty-four pictures are
recorded in 17 minutes.
10:18 p.m. Mariner 6 makes its nearest approach to
Mars. Estimated altitude is about 2000
statute miles.
10:21 p.m. Mariner 6 takes last near encounter TV
picture (M6-74). Other science instru-
ments continue taking and recording data
into the martian night.
10:28 p.m. End recording Mars science.
10:34 p.m. Start playback to Earth of science data
recorded on spacecraft's digital recorder
during near encounter.
10:36 p.m. Enter occultation. Ground station at
Goldstone loses Mariner 6 radio signal
as spacecraft disappears behind Mars.
10:56 p.m. Exit occultation. Goldstone regains
Mariner 6 radio signal as spacecraft
emerges from behind Mars. Digital
science playback continues.
5:36 p.m. Start high-rate playback of Mariner 6
(approx.) near encounter pictures (M6-51 to M6-74)
from spacecraft's analog tape recorder.
(Near encounter pictures will be played
back twice during this session. They
will not be displayed on TV monitors.)
11:17 p.m. End high-rate playback M6-74. Resume
(approx.) digital playback until interrupted for
Mariner 7 far encounter TV.
5:53 p.m. Transmit ground command to Mariner 7 to
turn on power for science instruments
and start shuttering TV cameras.
8:23 p.m. Mariner 7 science scan platform slews to
far encounter position.
9:59 p.m. Mariner 7 takes M7-1, first of a total
of 93 far encounter pictures of Mars, 34
of which are taken during this first of
three sequences. Duration of 34-picture
sequence is 19 hours, 48 minutes. A
picture is taken each 36 minutes. M7-1
is taken from a Mars altitude of about
1,140,000 miles.
5:47 p.m. Mariner 7 takes M7-34.
6:05 p.m. Start playback M7-1 and continue real-
time display of 34 pictures, one each
five minutes. Playback sequence lasts
2\hours, 55 minutes.
9:00 p.m. End playback M7-34.
10:59 p.m. Mariner 7 starts second series of 34 far
encounter pictures, recording one frame
each 36 minutes for 19 hours, 48 minutes.
6:47 p.m. Mariner 7 takes picture #68.
7:24 p.m. Start playback M7-35. Duration of
playback sequence is 2 hours, 55 minutes.
10:19 p.m. End playback M7-68.
1:01 a.m. Mariner 7 takes frame M7-69. This final
far encounter series numbers 25 pictures
taken at 42-minute intervals. The series
consumes 17 hours, 48 minutes. The last
picture, M7-93, is taken from a Mars
distance of 65,550 miles.
5:49 p.m. Take M7-93. At this point, Mariner 7 is
4 hours and 11 minutes from its closest
approach to Mars.
6:08 p.m. Mariner 7 plays back final series of far
encounter TV pictures, M7-69 to M7-93.
Receipt of all 25 pictures takes 2
hours, 11 minutes.
8:19 p.m. End playback M7-39.
9:25 p.m. Begin Mariner 7 near encounter with IRS
9:45 p.m. Start recording Mars science, including
24 near encounter TV pictures (frames
M7-94 to M7-117).
10:00 p.m. Closest approach to Mars (about 2000
10:02 p.m. Take TV frame M7-117, concluding TV
recording. Continue recording other
science data.
10:10 p.m. End recording Mars science.
10:15 p.m. Enter occultation. Goldstone loses
Mariner 7 radio signal.
10:16 p.m. Near encounter science data begins
playing back, although it begins while
Mariner 7 is behind Mars.
10:44 p.m. Exit occultation. Goldstone regains
Mariner 7 radio signal and receipt of
Laboratory in P Two-huf Mars were taken by
the two Mariners, including 57 high and medium resolution views
of selected Martian surface areas from an altitude of only a few
thousand miles. The bulk of photos was taken as Mariners 6 an
Mariner 7 mad 4, tone station in on the evening of Julyplatform was
pointed at Mars so that a light sensitive sensor would track the
planet's center of brightness to keep the TV camera pointed
accurately at Mars.
Mariner 6 took the first of 50 approach pictures at
10:26 p.m. PDT on July 28 from a distance of 771,500 miles.
Although the camera took a picture each 84 seconds, only one
picture each 37 minutes was recorded on the spacecraft's analog
tape recorder. (A second TV camera also was operatting--
alternately with the first--but its pictures were recorded only
during the close passage.)
Nearly 20 hours later, a full tape load of 33 pictures
had beecture elements wseen on the monitors. Seven potal
of more than 17 hours of real-time TV display.
In addition to the 200 pictures stored on the analog
recorder and played back, Mariner 6 and 7 transmitted to Earth
1177 digital pictures as they were taken every 42 seconds by the
cameras. The digital pictures contained every seventh picture
element of each picture line and are used for photometric
On July 30, just seven hours before Mariner 6 was to
cross the orbit of Mars, the radio signal from Mariner 7 fell
silent. The Deep Space Station at Johannesburg reported loss of
signal at 3:11 p.m. PDT. It was believed, and the cause is still
uncertain, that Mariner 7 may have been struck by a meteoroid.
One of the Deep Space network's two Madrid stations was
tracking Mariner 6. The other broke off tracking Pioneer 8 and
joined the search for Mariner 7. As the Earth turned under the
spacecraft and Mariner 6 neared Mars, three Goldstone stations
came into view. The Pioneer Station at Goldstone picked up a
very faint signal about 10:30 p.m. PDT on July 30, just a few
minutes after Mariner 6 whipped by Mars. Commands were trans-
mitted to Mariner 7 to switch antennas and 11 minutes later--round
trip light time between Earth and Mariner 7--a healthy signal was
detected by stations at Goldstone and in Australia.
It was learned that Mariner 7 had lost lock with its
celestial reference, the star Canopus. Hence, the high-gain
antenna no longer pointed at Earth. Canopus lock was re-estab-
lished and further tracking indicated Mariner 7 had been damaged,
including the loss of some 20 of 90 telemetry channels.
Mariner 7 also had changed velocity. It apparently was
receiving a small amount of thrust, possibly from an outgassing
pressure vessel. The measured continuing acceleration of a few
millimeters per second changed the spacecraft trajectory slightly,
causing it to arrive 10 seconds later than predicted but very
close to the predicted altitude.
The Mariners began their near encounter sequences 35
minutes before closest approach with the cryogenic cooldown of
one of the science instruments--the infrared spectrometer. At
encounter minus about 15 minutes, the two TV cameras--shuttering
alternately every 42 seconds--the infrared spectrometer, infrared
radiometer and ultraviolet spectrometer began taking planetary
data, some of which was transmitted directly to Earth and all of
which was recorded on board the spacecraft.
Mariner 6 took 24 near-encounter pictures--12 high
resolution and 12 medium resolution--during a 17-minute period.
It reached its nearest proximity to Mars during the last few
minutes of the close-up TV sequence.
Mariner 7 took 33 near-encounter pictures--16 high
resolution and 17 medium resolution.
The scan platforms on both spacecraft were slewed four
times during the Mars passage, resulting in a multi-segment trace
across the planet. The Mariner 7 scan program had been revised
on the basis of the Mariner 6 data to provide maximum coverage of
the south polar cap.
When the TV swath of overlapping and nested pictures
crossed the day/night terminator, picture recording ceased. The
other instruments continued taking and recording dark-side data
out to and beyond the limb of Mars about 10 minutes after closest
All instruments aboard Mariner 7 functioned perfectly.
On Mariner 6, one of the infrared spectrometer's two channels did
not get cold enough to operate.
Following occultation, the near-encounter science data
recorded on two tape recorders--one analog, one digital--aboard
each Mariner was played back. The digital recorder, which stored
all near encounter data, including TV, was played back at the
normal science rate, 270 bits per second. At about 19 hours
after closest approach for both Mariners, the digital playback
was interrupted for a six-hour playback of the analog recorder
(TV near encounter only) at the high rate, 16,200 bits per second.
By mid-August both spacecraft had played back all the
science data several times. The two Mariners remain in their
solar orbits and are tracked periodically by stations of the Deep
Space Network.
Two experiments which required no special instrumenta-
tion were conducted by Mariner 6 and 7. One was occultation
which provided atmospheric pressure measurements through the
analysis of changes in the spacecraft radio signal as the
spacecraft disappeared behind Mars relative to Earth.
Tracking data obtained throughout encounter, as well as
during the entire flights, contributed to the celestial mechanics
The Mariner Mars 1969 Project provided the United
Statared Spectrometeon of
the lower Martias Dr.
George C. Pimentel of the University of California at Berkeley.
Co-investigator is Dr. Kenneth Herr, also of U.C.B.
The Infrared Radiometer made Mars surface temperature
measurements. Principal investigator is Dr. Gerry Neugebauer of
Caltech. Co-investigators are Dr. Guido Munch, Caltech, and
Stillman C. Chase of the Santa Barbara Research Center.
The S-Band Occultation Experiment determined the
pressure and density of the Martian atmosphere. Principal
investigator is Dr. Arvydas J. Kliore of JPL. Co-investigators
are Dr. S. I. Rasool, Goddard Institute of Space Studies; Gunnar
Fjeldbo, Stanford University; and Boris Seidel, JPL.
The Celestial Mechanics Experiment provided data for
the continuing effort to refine astronomical values. Principal
investigator is Dr. John D. Anderson of JPL. Co-investigator is
Warren L. Martin, also of JPL.
The principal results from preliminary study of the
tian atmosphere. anti-
ates this conclusion, a very key chemical compound is missing
from the Martian environment. If this is true, any life chemistry
on Mars will have to be very much different than we know on Earth.
The Mariner 7 UV spectrometer measured the composition
of the upper atmosphere on two passes over the limb of the planet
and confirmed the results of Mariner 6 in finding no molecular
nitrogen in the upper atmosphere. The new result associated with
Mariner 7 comes from the pass over the polar cap. The intensity
of ultraviolet light from the planet increased abruptly as the
spectrometer view passes from the desert onto the polar cap
showing that ultraviolet radiation at very short wavelengths
penetrates to the surface of the planet. This result shows that
the planet is bathed in this energetic solar radiation.
The Mariner 6 IR spectrometer successfully recorded
data in the spectral region 2 to 6 microns. With 60 by 60 mile
spatial resolution, significant thermal variations were detected,
revealing temperatures up to 75'F. The data also reveal the
local reflectivity of solar light and it is clear that the darker
spots on Mars are warmer than the bright areas. The carbon
dioxide intensity reveals topographical detail that remains to be
analyzed. Neither ammonia nor nitric oxide was present in the
Martian atmosphere. Carbon monoxide was detected. Perhaps the
most exciting result is that the spectrum of ice was recorded.
It seems unlikely that this ice could be in the spectrometer--the
only possible misinterpretation--and we tentatively attribute it
to a very thin ice fog. Finally, there are two or three uncertain
spectral features that remain to be verified and identified.
The Mariner 7 Infrared Spectrometry experiment produced
data from both channels. These data were first believed to have
contained evidence of gaseous methane and ammonia, and the
suggestion that a portion of the south polar cap is composed of
water ice. Further analysis of the data is required before a
firm conclusion can be reached.
The heat radiated by areas approximately equal to thbserved.
smaller ledge of 63
Mariner 7: A pressure of 3.5 millibars and a tempera-
ture of 205'K (-90'F) was obtained at a latitude of 59'S and
Longitude 28'E. The low value of surface pressure may indicate
that this region (near Hellespontica Depressio) is substantially
higher than the average (about 4 miles). An ionosphere was also
observed, with a mean peak at an altitude of about 130 kilometers
(81 miles).
Function of the celestial mechanics experiment is to
investigate the effects of gravity on the spacecraft range and
Doppler tracking data. These data are affected directly by the
predictions of general relativity and also indirectly by gravita-
tion effects on the spacecraft trajectory. By analyzing three
months of data from Mariners 6 and 7, it has been possible to
determine a ratio of the mass of the Earth to that of the Moon of
81.3000 with an uncertainty of 0.0015. Although we think of the
Moon as revolving about the Earth, in fact both the Earth and
Moon are revolving about their common center of mass which is at
a distance of about 2900 miles from the center of the Earth. The
Earth's motion about this point at a speed of about 27.8 miles
per hour is reflected in the Mariner data and it is possible to
deduce that the Earth is about 81.300 times more massive than the
Moon. Another result of the early analysis of the data is that
the mass of Mars is about one tenth the mass of the Earth; the
exact figure is 0.1074469 _ 0.0000035. The only other precise
determination of the mass was obtained from the Mariner 4 Doppler
data. A recent re-examination of these data by George W. Null at
JPL indicates a value of 0.1074464 with an uncertainty of _ 5
units in the last place; Mariners to Mars in 1964 and 1969 agree
very well in their determinations of the mass. Tracking data
from Mariner 6 indicate that it approached the planet at a speed
of 16,113 miles per hour. This was increased to a speed of
17,953 mph at closest approach because of the gravity field of
the planet, a total increase of 1840 mph. In addition the
closest approach to Mars was decreased from an altitude of 2619
miles to 2134 miles and the trajectory was deflected because of
the gravity field. The precise measurement of these changes in
the trajectory resulted in a determination of the mass of the
planet. Further analysis should also yield information on the
shape of the gravitational field and on the orbit of Mars
itself. This will be important to future, more advanced missions
to Mars and to an extended analysis of the data for the general
relativistic effects.